
Showing posts from November, 2010

The Traveling Salesman Problem

Do you ever imagine yourself as a Postman who every day must get around delivering the mail ? Or, do you ever imagine yourself as a newspaper deliveryman who every day delivering newspapers to customers? Then do you ever think about how they arrange their travel route must pass? Maybe if as a newspaper deliveryman it looks much easier because many customers whose address remains. S o no need to change the route of travel. And how about the Postman? every day that a letter should be delivered has a different address. Then how he set the route which they must pass every day? it is so difficult is not it? This is what is meant by traveling salesman problem. Where they find the shortest path, quickest, efficient and possible to reduce travel costs. B ut to find solutions to these problems is not easy. much formulas or algorithms to solve the problem. Such as ant colony system algorithm, the algorithm near neighbor, the Hamiltonian cycle and etc. Yet despite many formulas created traveling ...

Basis Data (Normalisasi & Aljabar Relasional)

Maaf telat mengunggah. Solusi Normal. Normalisasi. Aljabar Relasional. Mohon saran dan komentarnya ya. Demi kemajuan blog ini,

Soal UTS Praktikum Struktur Data & Algoritma 2010

1. Buatlah program jam parkir dimana 1 jam pertama terkena biaya Rp.1000,-. Terkena Rp.500,-/jam setelah 1jam pertama . 2. Buatlah program penjumlahan dan pengurangan matrik NxN . Dan ada fitur menu dalam program tersebut . 3. Buatlah program biodata mahasiswa dengan menggunakan struct dan diurutkan berdasarkan IPK. 4. Buatlah program deret Fibonacci. Dengan menggunakan fungsi rekursif . Dibuat serapi mungkin. Gunakan prosedur seefektif mungkin.